It's All Relative

Performance Minded

02 Jul 2013

2 mins read

How to build hsdis-amd64.dll?

If you read my post on How to print disassembly from JIT code?, you will find that one file is missing to download: hsdis-am64.dll. It is required to disassemble JIT code with windows 64 bits version of JDK. Until now, I have always shown you disassemble code from 32bits (i386) because I was not able to find a pre-built version or recompile it my self.

I have finally managed to build it. But according to this page, it seems there is incompatible licenses between binutils & OpenJDK. I am not an expert in licensing, so in the doubt I will not publish my binary, but I will share you my step by step procedure to be able to reproduce it at home.

My different attempts with cygwin environments were unsuccessful (I am, by the way, not a big fan of cygwin, this may be explain that…). So I try a different approach with MinGW and MSYS.

Based on this tutorial, here what I did to build this famous dll:

  1. Download the MingGW-Get installer: mingw-get-inst-20120426.exe
  2. Run the installer. In the third wizard screen, choose the pre-packaged repository catalogues. In the fifth wizard screen, you can change the installation directory. The default C:\mingw is usually approriate.
  3. When asked what components to install, select the following:
    • MSYS Basic System
    • MSYS Developer Toolkit
  4. Do NOT install the MinGW Compiler Suite, make sure you deselect the C Compiler.
  5. Once the installation has finished, start the MinGW Shell. You can find it in Start -> Programs -> MSYS -> MinGW Shell. We will use the installer’s command line interface to install additional packages. You can also start the shell from C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat
  6. MinGW is a port of the GCC compiler to the win32 platform. Instead of the official release, we install a build from the mingw-w64 project: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-4.7.0-release-win64_rubenvb.7z
  7. Unzip the packages into the C:\MinGW directory. You should and up with the new subdirectory: C:\MinGW\mingw64.
  8. mount 'C:\MinGW\mingw64\' /mingw64
    mkdir /c/mingw/opt
    mkdir /c/mingw/build64 /c/mingw/local64
    mount 'C:\MinGW\opt\' /opt
    mount 'C:\MinGW\local64\' /local64
    mount 'C:\MinGW\build64\' /build64
    mkdir /opt/bin /local64/{bin,etc,include,lib,share}
    mkdir /local64/lib/pkgconfig
  9. Create /local64/etc/profile.local: ``` cat > /local64/etc/profile.local « “EOF” #



alias dir=’ls -la –color=auto’ alias ls=’ls –color=auto’

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=”/local64/lib/pkgconfig” CPPFLAGS=”-I/local64/include” CFLAGS=”-I/local64/include -mms-bitfields -mthreads” CXXFLAGS=”-I/local64/include -mms-bitfields -mthreads” LDFLAGS=”-L/local64/lib” export PKG_CONFIG_PATH CPPFLAGS CFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS

PATH=”.:/local64/bin:/mingw64/bin:/mingw/bin:/bin:/opt/bin” PS1=’[\033[32m]\u@\h [\033[33m\w\033[0m]$ ‘ export PATH PS1

package build directory


package installation prefix


EOF ```

  1. source /local64/etc/profile.local
  2. I encountered an issue with ar tool, so you need to copy & rename the following file C:\MinGW\mingw64\bin\ar.exe to C:\MinGW\mingw64\bin\x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar.exe
  3. Download binutils sources (works great with 2.22) here
  4. Unzip the package and go into the directory & type: ./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32
  5. Then make
  6. Go to your OpenJDK sources in hsdis directory: hotspot/src/share/tools/hsdis
  7. edit you hsdis.c to add the line #include <stdint.h> which is missing for this version of the compiler.
  8. finally build hsdis with: make BINUTILS=/c/binutils-2.22 ARCH=amd64 You should now get the hsdis-amd64.dll in hotspot/src/share/tools/hsdis/bin/win

Happy disassembling !